John K. Dema is nationally recognized as a pioneer in natural resource damages litigation on behalf of state and territorial governments that hold natural resources in trust for the benefit of the public. The firm has been retained by numerous public clients to pursue claims for injuries to groundwater and other natural resources that have been damaged by toxic and hazardous substances. To date, the firm’s efforts have yielded judgments and settlements valued at more than $600 million in damages and restoration projects for its public clients.
PFAS Contamination
The firm actively advises state, territorial, and municipal governments on their efforts to address widespread contamination of air, land, and water by polyfluoroalkyl and perfluroalkyl substances, known as “PFAS.”…
MTBE Contamination
The firm currently represents Maryland, New Jersey, and Puerto Rico in lawsuits seeking damages for statewide contamination of groundwater resources by methyl tertiary butyl ether (“MTBE”)…
Tutu Wellfield
In 1996, the Government of the U.S. Virgin Islands retained Jack Dema to pursue natural resource damages (“NRD”) claims against Esso and Texaco for contaminating the Tutu Wells aquifer in St. Thomas…
St. Croix Alumina & Oil Refineries
In 2005, the firm initiated litigation on behalf of the Government of the U.S. Virgin Islands to recover past and future response costs, oversight costs, and damages—including natural resource damages…