We have helped public clients and individuals recover substantial damages from major corporations in the areas of environmental, natural resource damages, consumer protection, products liability, and toxic torts litigation. Our team is also skilled in appellate practice.
Environmental Litigation
Our firm has a sophisticated environmental
litigation practice.
We have represented individuals, small businesses, and public clients harmed by environmental contamination for more than two decades. We regularly represent plaintiffs seeking to recover damages or obtain injunctive relief for the contamination of groundwater and property by a wide range of hazardous substances and pollutants.
We litigate claims brought under federal statutes such as the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (“CERCLA”) and the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (“RCRA”), state environmental statutes, and common law doctrines, including nuisance, trespass, and negligence. Our attorneys also have significant experience working with the technical, scientific, and economic experts needed to effectively prosecute environmental claims. Whether we are representing an individual in a property contamination case or a state seeking damages for widespread contamination of its natural resources, our attorneys have the legal and technical tools and knowledge to guide our clients through the many challenges of complex environmental litigation.