Our attorneys are dedicated to understanding our clients’ goals and working tirelessly to achieve them. Our clients benefits from our team’s focus, depth, and perspective.

John K. Dema
Founder and President
(340) 773-6142
A skilled trial lawyer, John “Jack” Dema has tirelessly advocated for workers exposed to toxic chemicals, stood up for consumers harmed by defective products, fought for the rights of minorities in the workplace, and helped sovereign clients recover hundreds of millions of dollars from companies that have polluted public natural resources.
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Scott E. Kauff
(340) 881-5900
Scott established the firm’s Washington, D.C. regional office as Of Counsel in Rockville, Maryland in 2004. Scott’s practice concentrates in the areas of environmental and toxic torts litigation, with most of his practice focusing on natural resource damages (“NRD”) litigation on behalf of public clients.
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